Thursday, March 17, 2011

Missing You...

Kau menghilang ke mane??? Dulu kau selalu msj aq.. Tapi sekarang x lagi... But why my dear??? Why??? Selalunye area 9.00 pm aq selalu melayan msj yg kau hantar tapi malam ni tidak.. Mungkin kau nak lupekan aq..
At night when the stars
Light on my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the moon, tryin’ to get to you
In hopes you’re on the other side talking to me too
Oh,,,,,,,,,,,,, am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon bongok cakap sorang-sorang
Do you ever hear me calling???????
I think u can't hear me cuz between Pekan and Temerloh is so far......

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Perhatian!!!!! berita gempak gler seyh... Sebenarnye aq saje tipu,x la gempak mane la..Dh ready nk tau 1 berita ni x??? Are u ready??? Drum plezzz......

Aq saje nk bg tau yg cerita ni bez banget....... Title story ni aq pon x pasti yg mne 1....
  •  mischivous kiss
  • playful kiss
  • naughty kiss

Sekarang cerita ni tgh dtayangkan kt 8tv pukul 6.30 pm-8.00 pm...hari Saturday je tau... sebelum ni aq dh tgk kt You Tube... Hehehe..saje nk tgk buat kali yg kedua.... HUH....gatal nk tgk banyak2 kali...

                                                      Kim Hyun Joong

BF aq ni... jgn cube rampas die drpd aq. Lau rampas gak,, aq belasah korg sampai korg mati syahid tau!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Earthquakes and Tsunami in Japan...

The Japanese archipelago is located in an area where several continental and oceanic plates meet. This is the cause of frequent earthquakes and the presence of many volcanoes and hot springs across Japan. If earthquakes occur below or close to the ocean, they may trigger tidal waves (tsunami).
Historic earthquakes
Many parts of the country have experienced devastating earthquakes and tidal waves in the past. The Great Kanto Earthquake, the worst in Japanese history, hit the Kanto plain around Tokyo in 1923 and resulted in the deaths of over 100,000 people.
In January 1995 a strong earthquake hit the city of Kobe and surroundings. Known as the Southern Hyogo Earthquake or Great Hanshin Earthquake, it killed 6,000 and injured 415,000 people. 100,000 homes were completely destroyed and 185,000 were severely damaged.
Earthquake measurement
The Japanese "shindo" scale for measuring earthquakes is more commonly used in Japan than the Richter scale to describe earthquakes. Shindo refers to the intensity of an earthquake at a given location, i.e. what people actually feel at a given location, while the Richter scale measures the magnitude of an earthquake, i.e. the energy an earthquake releases at the epicenter.
The shindo scale ranges from shindo one, a slight earthquake felt only by people who are not moving, to shindo seven, a severe earthquake. Shindo two to four are still minor earthquakes that do not cause damage, while objects start to fall at shindo five, and heavier damage occurs at shindo six and seven.
Every household should keep a survival kit with a flashlight, a radio, a first aid kit and enough food and water to last for a few days. Avoid placing heavy objects in places where they could easily fall during an earthquake and cause injury or block exits. Have a fire extinguisher. Familiarize yourself with the designated evacuation area in your neighborhood.
During and after an earthquake
Falling objects, toppling furniture and panic present the greatest dangers during an earthquake. Try to protect yourself under a table or doorway. Do not run outside, and try to remain as calm as possible. If you are in the streets, try to find protection from glass and other objects that may fall from surrounding buildings.
After a strong earthquake, turn off ovens, stoves and the main gas valve. Then listen to the radio or television for news. In coastal areas beware of possible tidal waves (tsunami) while in mountainous areas beware of possible land slides. 

Semoge Malaysia x kene musibah bencana alam ni..... Same2 lah kite berdoa kpd Tuhan...
Alhamdulillah....Ismail member aq yg dpt ge Jepun tu dh selamat sampai di Malaysia... Dh lame dh die balik.. Dalam 2 minggu gitu kot.. Aq pon x ingat...  Ape kes aq nk igat tarikh die balik ke x??? X tercatat dlm sejarah form 3 pon...

Thursday, March 10, 2011


TQ sgt kau tolong aq tadi...Dh lah hujan. Habis baju kau basah.. Hahaha..PADAN MUKE....


SALAM....lame sudah aq tak update blog aq yg x berape cantek ni... Busy sgt2... Tiap2 petang ade kelas... Sabtu & Ahad ade tusyen... Memang xde mase aq nak bersenang-lenang.. Berkepit dgn buku 24 hours (tipu je,,jgn caye)...

Mase kelas KHB tdi budak yg amek ERT ngan KT gabung kelas. Nk ciapkn projek kayu... dlm hidup aq 1st time aq gune gergaji jig.. Mule2 kecut perut nk try... Dh lame2.. PRO beb.

Bukan senang nk siapkn projek kayu uwh... Nk potong kayu lah... Nk paku lah...Nk isi syelek lah... LECEH BEBENOR lah..... Nasib baik boys kelas aq sudi tolong....

TO: Hafiz
Kau banyak tolong aq buat projek aq.... W/pon projek kau x ciap lg pon.....